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УДК 641.1: 620.2 (043.3)

About some problems of expansion of types of the stored in mushrooms and control of their quality Download PDF (116 KB)

I.E. Tsapalova1, V.I. Bakaitis1, E.V. Martens1, N.P. Kutafeva2

 1 Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation
26 Marx Ave, 630087, Novosibirsk; e-mail:

 2 Siberian State Technological University,
82 Mira Ave, Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russia; e-mail:

  Volume XXVI, Number 1, 2009



Mushrooms, collected in the forests are in enormous demand on internal and external markets. Natural supplies allow to collect 40 types of mushrooms, however actually going no more 10-15. Is  necessary the actualization of list of edible mushrooms authorized for workpiece, development of standards on fresh mushrooms, control behind safety, increase of mycology education in a country.


Key word: Mushrooms, resources, categories, list, safety, quality, education



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