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Features of glycerides metabolism of buds meristem of Larix sibirica Ledeb Download PDF (126 KB)

Alaydinova E.V., Mironov P.V. 

Siberian State Technological University, 82 Mira Ave,
 Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russia;


Results of studying of seasonal change of glycerides content in buds meristems of Larix sibirica Ledeb. are presented. It is shown, that rhythmics of quantitative changes of individual components of glycerides is caused by change of seasons of year and reflects their functional role in meristematic cells. Decrease of triglycerides level in the autumn-winter period testified, that this lipid form is actively used for various biosynthetic processes at adaptation to winter conditions. Accumulation of triglycerides at preparation for growth processes is connected with their functional role of a power reserve. Seasonal dynamics of diglycerides is characterised by decrease of content 1,2-type isomers during the autumn-winter period, that, possibly, is connected with their participation in biosynthesis of phospholipids. Low temperature resistance of buds meristem Larix sibirica Ledeb. is caused, also by high amplitude of fluctuation of content of individual components of glycerides.

Keywords: Larix sibirica Ledeb., buds meristems, low temperature resistance, seasonal changes, glycerides 


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