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УДК 641.1:620.2 (043.3)

Grounds for grading mushrooms, gathered in pine forest of Western Siberia  Download PDF (110 KB)

D.A. Plotnikov

 Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation,
26 Marx Ave, 630087, Novosibirsk, Russia,

   Volume XXVI, Number 1, 2009


 Using extrapolation for curves evening i.e. reduction curves their sections to first or second-order functions allows to prove mushrooms grading according to their age, cap diameter  and

specific qualities. This improves the quality of the product made from mushrooms gathered in pine forests.


Key words: mushrooms,  grading, cap diameter, age, boiling


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Жук, Ю.Т. Консервирование и хранение грибов. Биохимические основы / Ю.Т Жук.- М.: Легкая и пищевая промышленность, 1982.- 144 с.


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