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Wood coarse debris in the structures of forest covvunities
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V.G. Storozhenko

Institute of Forest Science, Russian Academy of Sciences (ILAN)
Address: Sovetskaya 21, Uspenskoe, Moscow region, 143030 Russia; е-mail:

Volume XXVII, Number 3-4, 2010


 The author considers the idea of “wood coarse debris” of forest communities. It’s been defined the this composition has morphological (vertical and horizontal), ecological and functional structure. Morphological structure in the vertical projection is formed of morthorizons of current dead standing trees, wood coarse debris (wind-fallen trees) and root layer. Morphological structure in the horizontal projection is formed of micromortcinoses of current dead standing trees, wood coarse debris and rood layer. Ecological structure of dead standing trees  is formed of mortsinusies. Morthorizons of vertical and horizontal compositions of wood coarse debris’ morphological structure are formed of a set of mortsinusies of its ecological structure. Functional structure of wood coarse debris is formed by its extended links with phytocenosis and ecotop. Presented cases, supported by experimental data, prove that wood coarse debris can be singled out as a cenotic level structure among other cenotic structures of forest biogeocenosis. The author suggests that the existing Sukachuov’s scheme of forest biocenosis structure should be supplemented by another structural composition which can be defined as  

Key words: wood coarse debris, structures of forest communities, morthorizons, mortsinusies, mortcenosis


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