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УДК 630.283:630.866 

An effect of a pyrolysis and activation factors on Siberian larch waste products coal’s carbonic crystallites forming Download PDF (183 KB)

Simkin Y. Y., Besedina I.N.


Siberian State Technological University, 82 Mira Ave,
Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russia;
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Volume XXVII, Number 3-4, 2010


 During this research there were studied using the radiographic analysis how  do the thermal decomposition reaction rate, proportion of a piece of wood and scorch degree of a piece of coal during water steam activation affect on coal’s crystallite forming process. In turn one sort of analyzed coal was made from woodcutting area waste products and another one made from pelleted dry debarking Siberian larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb.) waste products. Woodcutting area waste products of two types (10 millimeters height ,diameter 10 millimeters and 35 millimeters height, diameter 35 millimeters) were pyrolized with a heat rates 2 and 10 degrees per minute. After that they were activated under condition of 850 degrees Celsius. Coal made from pellets was for 15, 30 and 50 percent. The radiographic analysis of that sorts of coal was carried out using «Dron-2» device. It was detected that increasing of thermal decomposition reaction rate for 5 times and wood proportions for 3,5 times leads to reduction of noncrystalline and fine-crystalline carbon forming inside of coal composition. Also it leads to increasing of charcoal’s adsorptive surface accessibility for 3,6 and 4,5 times appropriately. Using for thermal decomposition process large pieces of wood and slow reaction rate facilitates large-diameter crystallite forming inside of absorbent carbon structure. Along with rising of coal scorch extent there were enlarged crystallite’s typical proportions and reduced  its specific surface and interplanar spacing.

Key words: pellet, dry debarking waste products


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