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УДК 574.24, 581.52

Different strategies of acclimation to air pollution
for Scots pine and Siberian spruce Download PDF (134 KB)

Pakharkova N.V., Kalyakina O.P., Shubin A.A., Grigoriev Y.S.,
 Pakharkov S.V., Sorokina G.A.

 Siberian Federal University
660041 Krasnoyarsk, 79 Svobodny Prospect; e-mail:

 Volume XXVII, Number 3-4, 2010   


The results of interdisciplinary complex research allowed to suppose that the Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and the Siberian spruce (Picea obovata Ledeb.) have different acclimation strategies to air pollution. Needles’ sur-face and intercellular pollution was analyzed by methods of ion-chromatography and XRF spectroscopy to define the level of environmental pollution. The research shows that photosynthetic pigments quantity and photosynthetic activity of uneven-aged needles differ for plants growing in areas with different levels of pollution. Two-year-old needles of Siberian spruce trees proved to have larger concentration of pollutants therefore one-year-old needles bear the main photosynthetic pressure. This effect is not confirmed for the Scots pine presumably due to more intensive needles defoliation, providing the outflow of toxicants with necrotizing needles.

Key words: Pinus sylvestris L., Picea obovata Ledeb., delayed fluorescence, ion-chromatography, XRF spectroscopy


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