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Movement of wood biomass in the perspective development 
of Lesosibirsk industrial complex
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S.O. Medvedev1, R.A. Stepen2, S.V. Sobolev1

1Lesosobirsk branch of the Siberian State Technological University
29 Pobedy, Lesosibirsk, 662543,Russia
; е-mail:

2Siberian State Technological University, 82 Mira Ave,
, 660049, Russia

Volume XXVII, Number 3-4, 2010


The movement of wood biomass in the perspective development of Lesosibirsk industrial complex has been considered in the article. The greatest possible involving of a wood biomass in manufacture serves as the major indicator of timber industry complexes. Its use should be characterized by deep degree of processing, and transportation in the minimum distances. Consumption of wood sawdust in hydrolytic manufacture is a perspective direction in increase of efficiency of activity of a complex.

Key words: wood biomass, movement scheme, soft waste wood, hydrolytic manufacture


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