West-Siberian branch of
the Institute
of Forest V.N.
Sukachev SB RAS
г. Novosibirsk, str. Zhukovsky, 100/1; e-mail:
Volume XXVII, Number 1-2,
warmest climate in Siberia with yearly average temperature above +7
°C remains
unchanged in the population of unique cedar forest of tertiary flora,
within the Kyginski refugium, thanks to the influence of the Tiletskoye
lake and protection by ridges. The native autochthonous different-age
(“primeval”) stands of Siberian cedar (Pinus
sibirica Du Tour.), with no effects exerted by forest fires
for many
centuries, have been formed under
conditions of ecological optimum. Some 500-year-old
gigantic trees are up to 43 m high and more
than 3 m across at the trunk bottom. New aged generations grow from the
of neighbouring maternal trees, which, in combination with phenological
isolation, calm weather and orographic isolation, contributes to an
increase in
probability of closely related transpollination and, hence, to an
increase in
homozygosis level. It is evident, that a splitting-out of recessive
controlling embryogeny, is responsible for an increased content of
empty seeds
in cones up to 16-39 % and in some trees – even up to 100 %.
May be there are
two opposite processes. On the one hand, optimal ecological conditions
the manifestation of genetic
expressed in phenotypical polymorphism; on the other, a closely related
pollination leads to an increase in the trees homozygosis level in the
populations of “primeval” cedar forest. To study of
this it is necessary to do
a detailed experiments.
Keywords: refugium, Pinus sibirica, Mountain Altai,
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