Voronezh State Forestry Academy
Voronezh, str. Timiryazev, 8; e-mail: lesovod@vglta.vrn.ru
Volume XXVII, Number 1-2,
performance in a
zone of an ecological optimum of a cedar Siberian the basic stages of
selection program on seed efficiency are stated: selection плюсовых trees, their
estimation on clonal posterity, allocation
of candidates for grades - clones.
selection плюсовых trees is
carried out(spent) without rise in a crone.
Them allocate on extent of a circle and quantity(amount) of the
runaways highly correlating with seed efficiency. Criterion of an
"плюсовости" a tree is среднемноголетний a crop of seeds
parameters are defined(determined) in a crone of candidates in плюсовые trees and at
control individuals.
The high
heredity in clonal
posterity of the basic фенотипических parameters of
productivity is established. It testifies to legitimacy of their use at
selection плюсовых trees and
his(its) high
efficiency: 74 % of the investigated clones correspond(meet) to
parameters of
high-yielding individuals.
New 3 candidates
for grades -
clones on seed efficiency and for the first time - one крупносемянный are allocated.
The first exceed an average
long-term crop of the best on семеношению плюсовых trees on 27-55
%, annually fructify (for last 15 years - 14 crops). At крупносемянного a genotype of a
weight 1000 weight шт seeds makes 412 г,
that 20-25 % is higher than the best control.
Keywords: productivity, плюсовые trees,
plantations, grades – clones
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