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Hereditability of height at a pine ordinary and fur-trees Siberian in Perm region Download PDF (117 KB)

Rogozin M.V.

Natural Sciences Institute of Perm State University
Perm str. Henkel 4; e-mail:
Volume XXVII, Number 1-2, 2010



 Results of test of 604 families of a pine and 525 families of a fur-tree to age are studied 3-21 year. It is revealed about identical (at a fur-tree) and even lowered (at a pine) quality of posterity at the highest trees in comparison with averages that testifies to action in ценопопуляциях the given kinds of stabilising selection. At a fur-tree negative influence on posterity of competitive pressure on mothers is revealed.

Keywords: pine ordinary, fur-tree Siberian, «+» trees, heritability, competition, posterity tests, population-forest stand, seed-growing


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