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Conifers of the boreal area

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Karyological review of pinopsida on the base the database Download PDF (133 KB)

Knyazeva S.G., Muratova E.N.

V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS
660036 Krasnoyarsk, Russia, 50 Akademgorodok; e-mail:
Volume XXVII, Number 1-2, 2010 


A review on karyology of modern conifers with the use of database «Chromosomе numbers of gymnosperms» is done. At present the database includes information on 1036 species, 85 genera, 15 families, 10 orders and 4 classes of gymnosperms. Information on all known numbers of chromosomes and bibliography is presented for each taxon. It is found that the number of chromosomes of gymnosperms is unknown for half of species and 40 % of species of conifers is not studied karyologically. The brief information on the features of chromosome morphology of conifers is given. It is revealed that the morphology of chromosomes is known in 30 % species only. Information about all, meetings chromosomal anomalies, and also lists of species which have these anomalies are resulted.

Keyword: gymnosperms, chromosome numbers, data base 


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