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The Conifer Tree Genetic and Breeding Program (CTGBP) in the forest resources of the Novosibirsk and the Omsk regions Download PDF (121 KB)

Bolonin I.P., Kylakov V.E., Rogovtsev R.V.

 Branch of the FederalRussian Center for Forest Protection” CPF Novosibirsk region
630015 Novosibirsk, str. Gogol 221; е-mail:
Volume XXVII, Number 1-2, 2010 


 The results of inventory of  Conifer Tree Genetic and Breeding Program (CTGBP)  in  the Novosibirsk and the Omsk regions that was carried out  in 2007 by the researchers of  the Branch of the Federal Governmental Institution «Russian Center of Forest Protection» « The Forest Protection Center of the Novosibirsk region are discussed. The data of CTGBP structure are represented and the reasons of some objects discarding are analyzed. The priority directions on further development of Conifer Tree Genetic and Breeding Program (CTGBP) in  the Novosibirsk and the Omsk regions are revealed.

Keywords: Conifer Tree Genetic and Breeding Program (CTGBP), plus tree, seed orchards, plus stands, progeny tests


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