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Diversity and ecological role of clavarioid fungi in the boreal forests of the Ural-Siberian region  Download PDF (130 KB)

A.G. Shiryaev

 Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology, Ural Branch RAS,
Ekaterinburg, Russia; e-mail:

 Volume XXVI, Number 1, 2009



Clavarioid fungi (Basidiomycota) - group of Aphyllophoroid macromycetes, the fruit bodies incorporated by the life form, club & coral, are plentifully presented in all natural zones of a planet, with the maximal specific riches and complex taxonomical structure in the boreal zone. One third of world richness of these fungi is met in Russia, from which more than 71 % in a boreal forests. Aphyllophoroid macromycetes complex of the Ural-Siberian boreal region (on an example of the Sverdlovsk region) share makes 0,16, and the account of researches in other taiga areas of Eurasia, the given factor varies within the limits of 0,15±0,02, both in all range of coniferous forests, and within the limits of separate subzones. Boreal complex of clavarioid fungi basically are presented by widespread taxons, thus the parity of the largest genera Typhula and Ramaria can be accepted as a boreal/nemoral parameter of revealed mycobiota. The greatest richness of clavarioid fungi is noted in dominating types of forest formations of region, on the western slope of the Urals and whole Southern Urals - in fir-oak forests, and on eastern slope of the Urals and West-Siberian plain - in pine and birch-aspen forests.


Key words: boreal forests, clavarioid fungi, diversity, ecology, Siberia, Urals


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