The article represents a brief
review of models, characterizing the rheological features of wood. Judging from
the analysis the author makes the conclusion that the exact rheological wood
model doesn’t exist yet. The rheological models that exist nowadays reveal only
reversible part of residual deformations. These residual deformations are known
to be kept steady while being held under the conditions of constant temperature
and humidity. The author conducted the experiments of wood pressure in radial
direction and revealed that there were instantaneous irreversible deformations
under the conditions of constant humidity and temperature. Their value doesn’t
depend upon the time period of load operational dependence on the magnitude of
tension being put. For description of wood plasticity they offered the
rheological model, consisting of successive connection of elements of dry
friction of different solidity. This model characterizes instantaneous
irreversible deformations. They offered the more exact rheological model of
wood being an elastically-plastically flexible solid and the rheological
equation of wood taking into account instantaneous plastical deformations.
words: wood, rheology, elasticity, flexibility, viscosity, plasticity,
rheologic equation
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