Theoretical and Applied Research Journal
Conifers of the boreal area

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УДК 630.86.582.477.6


Z.A. Plynskaja, E.N. Ayoshina, N.A. Velichko

 Siberian State Technological University,
82 Mira Ave, Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russia; e-mail:

 Volume XXV, Number 1-2, 2008   


 Traditional ways of processing of medicinal raw material do not provide high consumer properties of made production. With a view of perfection of use of resources of herbs of territory, it is necessary to apply measures to introduction of modern technologies of processing of the raw material, focused on release of non-polluting production with high consumer qualities. One of such technologies is the culture of cells and fabrics of plants in vitro, which besides it is considered as a no conventional method of protection of herbs. The purpose of the given work was introduction in culture in vitro Ephedra monosperma С.A. Meyer and a Juniperus sibiriсa, research of chemical compound intact plants these coniferous.


Key words: cultivating, culture of cells, callus, regulators of growth, biologically active substances


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