Presented results of the
seven-year studies of the particularities of the shaping to male
of the cedar siberian in archive geographical culture. Criteria of the
selection tree cedar siberian is designed On result of the studies on
productivity. At selection is recommended follow following: 1) specific
to male productivity selected tree must exceed the average factor in
such age not less than in 2 times; 2) tree must differ stable raised
level by
shaping male escape on year; 3) selected tree must present the
different groups
on period of the opening male organ (early, average, late); 4) for
tree with early entering in stage of the shaping male organ their age
must be
not more than 40 years. The Data to recommendations in greater degree
applicable for uniform artificial plantings, where tree has well
krona and do not feel the tough rivals on the part of nearby dereviev.
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