V.N. Matygulina, N.G.
Chistova, Y.D. Alashkevich
Lesosobirsk branch of
the Siberian State Technological University,
29 Pobedy,
Lesosibirsk, 662543,Russia
Number 1, 2007
The results of researches executed by experts of
the Lesosibirsk branch of SibSTU at on one of the largest wood-processing
enterprises of Angara-Yenisei Region
«Novoyeniseisky FCC» under industrial conditions on the operative
equipment have been presented in the paper. Influence of constructive and
technological parameters of grinding machines on physico-mechanical parameters MDF (water absorption and
swelling) that determine the water resistance parameter of the plate has been
determined. The results of the experiments were processed under the В-plan of the second order. In the issue, mathematical models
sufficiently describing the investigated process have been acquired. By the
equations the functions of response in the form of graphic dependences that
give pictorial presentation about their influence on the investigated factors
have been plotted.
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пром-сть. – 1973. – 119 с.
3. Чистова Н.Г. Размол древесноволокнистой массы на промышленных
установках при производстве ДВП// Дис. на соиск. учен. степ. канд. техн. наук.
– Красноярск, 2000. – 193 с.
4. Леонович А.А. Физико-химические основы образования древесных плит. –
СПБ.: Химиздат, 2003. -192 с.