Theoretical and Applied Research Journal
Conifers of the boreal area

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УДК 630.5


A.A. Vajs

 Siberian State Technological University,
82 Mira Ave, Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russia

 Volume XXIV, Number 2, 2006   


 In clause questions of dynamics of a dead wood of pine planting since 42 years for 71 year are considered. Interest of a dead wood on quantity of trees varies in dynamics with 3,3 up to 77,7 %. The dead wood with age from minimal diameters passes average in a step. On the basis of size of a mistake it is proved, that the quantity of models of trees of a dead wood should be more, than for growing trees. In sizes of the average sizes of growing trees and a dead wood distinctions that with age smooth out are observed. Use of the plural linear equation has not brought effective result at the forecast of a dead wood. The dot method therefore was applied. As boundary value used the top border of average parameter of general set at probability 0,954 - X ± 2*mx. Thus were authentically classified as growing 54-81 % of trees, and as a dead wood of 60-77 %. Erroneous identification of plants as growing, has made 19-53 %, and for trees of a dead wood of 23-39 %.


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