Rudenko, K.V. Shestak
Siberian State
Technological University,
82 Mira Ave, Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russia
Number 2, 2006
In clause results of researches on vegetative duplication интродуцентов on гидропонике are resulted. Features of rooting of different kinds depending on
terms of preparation and landing of shanks are studied. It is established, that
junipers ordinary, Siberian, cossack, a thuja western it is better черенковать
during III decade of June - I decade of July. By means of the two-factorial
dispersive analysis the importance of influence of terms черенкования and
specific features маточных copies on number and length of roots is confirmed.
The account of optimum terms of rooting of different kinds will allow to
increase considerably приживаемость shanks and to receive in short terms a
landing material with the valuable hereditary properties, adapted in the given
ecological conditions.
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