УДК 630.56
V.V. Kuzmichev,
A.S. Smoliyanov, N.S. Nemich
Siberian State Technological University,
82 Mira Ave, Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russia
Number 2, 2006
Mixed multiple-aged dark coniferous stands are
constituted the way peculiar to the majority of mountain forests. By the example of such stands
located at Yeniseysky Mountain-Ridge, it was ascertained by the data of the
plots that general series of distribution of number of trunks by their thickness
have the maximum at the thinnest levels and are efficiently approximated by the
exponential function. The analysis of character of relation between heights and
diameters of the test trees has been made. Selective forestry, where not only
the most large-sized trees are cut but all thickness levels are proportionally
loosed, is recommended for such forests.
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