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УДК 630.561.21: 634.164.4:630.174.754

Influence of Environmental Factors on Growth of the Archangel Fir Trunk in the Forest-Steppe Prebaikalia Download PDF (96 KB)

V.F. Zabuga, G.A. Zabuga

Angarsk State Technical Academy MD of Russian Federation
Angarsk, Russia

 Volume XXIV, Number 1, 2006   



During almost 30-years supervision investigated dependence of growth in height and on radius of a trunk of a pine ordinary  from original climatic conditions of forest-steppe zone Predbaical. It is established, that duration of the period of linear growth of a trunk averaged 55, and radial - about 80 days. Annual changes of a gain of axial runaway and a trunk on radius changed synchronously to what the factor of pair correlation - 0.68 testified. Variability of a linear gain in height was appreciably defined by conditions влагообеспеченности environments - humidity of air and the sums of deposits for its period of growth without and in view of September of the previous year. Variability of a gain of a trunk on radius depends basically on variability of average for the period of its growth of temperature and humidity of air. Dependence between a gain of a trunk in height and on radius and factors of an environment has expressed rectilinear function. However the degree of approximation of dependences linear function was less, than polynomial. Plural correlation connection testified to significant influence on growth of axial runaway of a pine of quantity of deposits in September of the previous year. Without taking into account the last influence of average for the period of growth of temperature and humidity of air, the sum of deposits was approximately identical as for верхушечного, and radial growth of a trunk of a pine ordinary. It is established, for radial growth a combination of the big amplitude of annual fluctuations of width of year rings (116 %) and a low share of influence on it of researched factors of an environment (r2=19-24 %). For верхушечного growth the combination of small amplitude of annual fluctuations of length of axial runaway (72 %) to a high share of influence on it of external conditions (r2=28-44 %), on the contrary, was typical.




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