A.I. Revin, A.N. Smolyanov,
M.A. Kumakova
Voronezh State Academy of
Forestry and Technologies,
Voronezh, Russia
Number 1, 2006
Soil processing is one major importance for silviculture manufacturing.
It allows to improve physical properties of soil, its water regime, conditions
of a water and mineral nutrition of plants.
conditions for survival capacity, growth and development of silvicultures are
created under scientifically proved system of soil processing for different
areas. At present some common tendencies of optimal silvicultural density are
reported in scientific works. Quality, due time treatments of silvicultures the
natural plantings are deprived of favour to their successful growth. This is a
strong advantage of silvicultures over the plants of natural origin. It is
claimed that silvicultural treatments stimulate successful struggle of
silvicultures with grassy vegetation and water accumulation particularly in
forest-steppe and steppe regions. It is known that unevenaged natural plantings
of different sizes especially in unfavourable environment conditions suffer
from more intensive selfcutting which results a strict trees differentiation.
At present the
planting of silvicultures is turns all over the country and in the European
part of central and southern regions in particular. This work is devoted to a
summary of results of long-term researches of authors on studying growth,
efficiency, a structure of the silvicultures created in the European part, in a
zone of forest-steppe in comparison with plantings of a natural origin.
- 1. Гмелин, Г.А. Путешествие
по России. Ч. 1. – Изд. Академии наук, 1771.
- 2. Морозов, Г.Ф. История
культур в Хреновом бору (1849-1899).- Спб.,
- 3. Цветков, М.А. Изменение
лесистости Европейской России с конца XVII столетия по 1914 г. – М.: АН СССР,
- 4. Рубцов, В.И. культуры сосны в лесостепи. – М.:
Лесная пром-сть, 1969.