УДК 630*443.3
Morphological Characters of the Circumboreal
Fungi Belonging to Armillaria mellea
sensu lato Complex Download PDF (102
I.N. Pavlov,
A.G. Mironov,
N.P. Kutafyeva
Siberian State
Technological University,
82 Mira Ave, Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russia
Number 1, 2006
The performed
investigating a number of keys to identifying the Armillaria species,
for European countries, let revealing the certain distinctive
features of Armillaria
basidiomes, equally applicable in Siberian conditions. The
morphological study
data have been approved at the territory of Krasnoyarsk City Green
Zone. For
the first time in Siberia, four fungi species of A.
mellea s.l. complex have been identified:
borealis, A. cepistipes, A.
ostoyae, and A.
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