Theoretical and Applied Research Journal
Conifers of the boreal area

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УДК 630



I.V. Gavrilenko, A.S. Prokushkin, R.A. Stepen, S.G. Prokushkin


Siberian State Technological University,
82 Mira Ave, Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russia

 Volume XXIV, Number 1, 2006   



Water-soluble organic matter plays an important role in terrestrial ecosystems. Current study presents the results describing dependence between amount of solvent (water) and mobility of organic matter of forest floors and soils collected in cryogenic region of Central Siberia. It has been shown that precipitation at high intensities and higher frequency leads to significant increase of release of mobile organic matter. Total stock of washed organic carbon per one percolation event may reach more than 1% of soil organic carbon accumulated in these ecosystem compartments.




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