Theoretical and Applied Research Journal
Conifers of the boreal area

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УДК: 630*4



Y.I. Gninenko1, O.S. Telegina2, P.E. Morozov1

 1Russian Research Institute for Silviculture and Mechanization of Forestry,
Pushkino, Moscow region., Russia

 2 Kazakh Research Institute of Forestry and agroforestry
Shchuchinsk, Akmola region., Kazakhstan

Volume XXII, Number 1, 2004   



Larch casebearers (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae) аге widespread in forests which species composition includes larch trees. С. laricella is spread in Еurоре where it invades Larix decidua. This pest inhabits also the European paгt of Russia and invades Larix sukaczewii. The outbreaks of its mass reproduction оссur in the same stands and last usually several years forming chronic foci. C.sibiricella inhabits Larix sibirica in West and paгtly in East Siberia. Тl1е analysis of data оп outbreaks of mass reproduction of this pest shows that the largest foci areas were active in larch stands of the Altai Теrritогу at the beginning of 1960s. They had а chronic character. After the movement of lагсb species to fotest-stерре and steppe areas of North Kazakhstan the pest penetrated into the same regions as well and caused damages of laTch trees. lп several stands of introduced larch species the pest invaded all larch species.  In laTch stands of East Siberia il1cluding Yakutia, the Кhabarovsk Тепitогу and otheT regions Larix daurica is invaded bу С. Dahuricella. Foci of its mass reproduction were recorded оn large areas and were also chronic lastшg 3-5 years. It should bе mentioned that the biology peculiarities of Siberian species of larch casebearers that рооrlу studied.


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