Theoretical and Applied Research Journal
Conifers of the boreal area

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I.A. Bekh, S.A. Krivets, V.V. Chitorkin, E.N. Pats, L.E. Voloshina

Tomsk State University,
36 Lenin Prospekt, Tomsk, 634050, Russia

Volume XXII, Number 1, 2004   




Effects of two-stage cutting with felling-bunching machines were studied in dark coniferous - Siberian stone pine forests in West Siberia. In 1985 the fist stage of the cuttings was made in green mossy stands (Siberian stone pine growing stock was 50%, spruce one was 20%, fir one was 20% and birch one was 10%) on drain sand soil. Age of Siberian stone pine trees was 210 years, spruce was 160 years, fir was 160 years and birch was 110 years. Total growing stock was 295 cubic meters per hectare. Harvesting area was divided on swaths of 18-20 m width and worked by the felling- bunching machines. The each third swath was first cut. After the first stage of the cutting the stand composition was not changed but the mean degree of stocking decreased by 0.4 and growing stock by 152 cubic meters per hectare on stratum. On the cutover birch young stands with young Siberian stone pine, spruce and fir trees has been formed. Our study confirmed that the felling-bunching machines were be able to use in the dark coniferous - Siberian stone pine forests on the drain soils. The cutting are carried out by two stage by a combined technology. The harvesting area is divided on swaths of 20 m width. The each third swath is first cut. In 8-10 years the remainding forest line is cut with logway along border between swaths. The second stage of the cutting is motor-manual felling with machine skidding. Such technology provides sustainability of the stand after the first stage, survival of the seedlings (65-70% of the harvesting area) and natural growing by value trees. Siberian stone pine ; stands reforestation and formation process can be expedite forestry methods which can develop a Siberian stone pine j forests having a special purposes (the forests with high quality Siberian stone pine timber and high seed productivity).


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