Theoretical and Applied Research Journal
Conifers of the boreal area

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УДК 630*165.7: 631.532


Shalaev E.A., Tretyakova I.N.

V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS,
50 Akademgorodok, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russia, e-mail: culture@ksc.krasn.ru

 Volume XXVIII, Number 1-2, 2011   


Ajanensis spruce (Рicea ajanensis Fisch. ex Carr.) is one of main species in temperate climate zone. The investigation of somatic embryogenesis of Picea ajanensis was conducted for solving of reforestation problem. This method was developed for the first time for this species.

Key words: Рicea ajanensis, somatic embryogenesis, embryonal masses, somatic embryo, callus


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