Theoretical and Applied Research Journal
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УДК 674. 038. 6:539. 41 

Strength characteristics of bars wood for building designs are given Download PDF (115 KB)

V.I. Melekhov, V.E. Byzov


Arkhangelsk State Technical University
17 Northern Dvina Embankment, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russia, 17,e-mail:

Volume XXVII, Number 3-4, 2010


 In the article results of the complex researches, shown with the purpose of development of requirements to quality of bars wood for building designs are given. The parameters providing set strength characteristics bars building elements of bearing building designs at various kinds under intense-deformed condition are defined. Quantitative estimations of strength characteristics of bars from fur-tree wood of and pine of the North European part of Russia are received. Regression models analysis of connection parameters of bars strength with parameters of a total knots volume of destruction area has allowed establish quantitative connection which was base for calculation of specifications of a total knots volume providing bars strength with sufficient reliability. Outputs of bars sorted in accordance with current requirements are compared with saw-timbers wood for building designs and under standards of knots destruction area. From researches results may conclude that application of total volume knots norms of destruction area for estimation of bars durability has raised reliability of control and expanded resources of bars for building designs.

Key words: сonstructional bars wood, strength characteristics, combined volume of knots



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