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Allozyme variation and needle structure of natural hybrids between Siberian Stone pine and Siberian Dwarf pine Download PDF (132 KB) 

Petrova E.A.1, Bender O.G.1, Goroshkevich S.N.1, Belokon Yu.S.2
Belokon M.M.2, Politov D.V.2

 1Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems Siberian Branch of RAS
634021 Tomsk, 10/3, Academichesky ave; e-mail:

2 N.I. Vavilov Institute of General Genetics RAS
119991 Moscow, GSP-1, str. Gubkin, 3; e-mail:
Volume XXVII, Number 1-2, 2010



Comparative analysis of allozyme variation and needle structure of natural hybrids between Siberian Stone pine and Siberian Dwarf pine using hybrid indexes was carried out. Seeds and needles of pure species trees and hybrids were collected in delta of Upper Angara, northern Baikal lakeside. Genotypes of P.pumila, P.sibirica and hybrids were determined by means of 29 allozyme loci controlling 16 enzyme systems. Principal Component Analysis of multiloci genotypic data was performed. Species and hybrids were successfully discriminated by the first factor, and we used the factor scores as genоtypic hybrid index means. 7 traits of needle structure were explored in cross-section. Variation of each trait was ranked for 5 meaning classes, from 0 (P.pumila) to 4 (P.sibirica). Hybrid index was calculated as an average rank for all traits of each hybrid and pure species trees. Hybrids were intermediate comparative to P. sibirica and P.pumila for both allozyme and needle structure hybrid indexes. The indexes correlated significantly if pure species were included in analysis. Presumably all the hybrids are F1 and/or F2 hybrids P.pumila*P.sibirica.

Keywords: P.sibirica, P.pumila, hybrids, allozyme variation, needle structure 


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