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Gradual passportisation of trees in pine clone orchards: 
using the methods of phenetics
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Kalchenko L.I.1, Tarakanov V.V.2
1Branch of «Russian Center for Forest Protection» «Center for Forest Protection of the Altai territory» 

2West-Siberian branch of the Institute of Forest V.N. Sukachev SB RAS
630082, г. Novosibirsk, str. Zhukovsky, 100/1; e-mail:
Volume XXVII, Number 1-2, 2010



The authors recommend doing a genetic certification of trees on clonal plantations of target species in 2 stages: «phenetic» and "genetic". Gradual certification reduces expenses for its carrying out approximately in 10 times. As an example the scheme of the first (phenetic) stage of certification of trees on clonal plantations of Pinus sylvestris L is described.  It is revealed that in 3 clonal pine plantations in Altay territory the frequency of not graftling trees is being within the limits of 0,0-17,0 %, and a frequency of wrongly marked graftling trees - 2,0-12,6 %. The clonal plantations are significantly differing on the frequency of “color of seeds” phen, which mark a population level.

Keywords: genetic certification, phens of color of seeds and cones, clones, Pinus sylvestris


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