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The prospects of selection of Pinus sibirica plus trees Download PDF (120 KB)  

Ilyichev Yu. N. 

West-Siberian branch of the Institute of Forest V.N. Sukachev SB RAS
630082, г. Novosibirsk, str. Zhukovsky, 100/1;
Volume XXVII, Number 1-2, 2010


The paper presents the analysis of ambiguous attitude of researchers to the effectiveness of using plus selection for improvement of productivity and quality of forests. Notwithstanding the system defects, it has been noted, that the use of plus selection is justifiable. The main factors, influencing the quality of selection of Pinus Sibirica plus-trees in mountain cedar-forests, have been studied. It has been shown, that due to the difficulty of choosing and the duration of preparing areas for experimental objects under mountain conditions, it is expedient to give a preliminary estimation of cedar plus-trees in the conditions of production greenhouses and nurseries according to the scheme of comparative plantings of a 3-year duration. It has been established, that, during the first 3 years, the progeny of most families under study preserve their rank and that, the progenies of 10-15% of the families show poor growth for certain and can be excluded from subsequent testing.

Keywords: plus selection, effectiveness, plus-trees, quality, progeny tests


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