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Mating system and allozyme heterozygosity dynamics in dwarf Siberian pine, Pinus pumila (Pall.) Regel, populations Download PDF (147 KB)

Belokon M.M., Belokon Yu.S., Politov D.V. 

N.I. Vavilov Institute of General Genetics RAS
119991 Moscow, GSP-1, str. Gubkin, 3; e-mail:
Volume XXVII, Number 1-2, 2010   


 The mating system and the temporal dynamics of heterozygosity in five P. pumila natural populations from the Pacific region, optimal for the species, were studied using isozyme analysis. Seed samples were collected in northern Koryakia, southern Kamchatka (three samples), and the Kunashir Island (the Kurils). The highest level of outcrossing was observed in the population from Koryakia (tm=0,939) where relatively young and small plants exchange pollen among them. In the case of old, dense and continuous thickets (populations from Kamchatka and Kunashir) the outcrossing level is lower (tm=0,919 – 0,568). It may be caused by considerable pollen sedimentation within maternal trees. Wright’s fixation index was used to estimate the level of inbreeding in embryos from dormant seeds resulting from open pollination and in maternal plants. A substantial level of inbreeding was observed in the embryo samples but not in four out of the five adult samples. The inbreeding level at the reproductive age was higher only in the sample from Koryakia, which can be explained by a relatively young age of plants in the population frequently affected by fires. A general increase in heterozygosity in the course of ontogeny, characteristic of other conifers as well, was attributed to elimination of inbred progenies and by balancing selection in favor of heterozygotes, which is a key factor maintaining allozyme polymorphism in populations.

Keywords: Pinus pumila, dwarf Siberian pine, population structure, heterozygosity, mating system


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