Theoretical and Applied Research Journal
Conifers of the boreal area

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 Dynamics forest ecosystems of the reserve “Stolby” for 60 years Download PDF (177 KB)

Kuzmichyov V.V.1, Bondarev A.I.2

 1V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS
660036 Krasnoyarsk, Russia, 50 Akademgorodok;

2FSC «Vostsiblesproekt»,
660062 Krasnoyarsk, Russia str.,
Krupskaya, 42;


Based of the four consequent forest resources inventories of the reserve “Stolby” the changes in the areas and the stocks of the dominant tree species were studied for 60 years. The dynamics of mean parameters of the tree stands is shown for this period. It is concluded that compressed forest successions prevail in the forest cover which is damaged by the fires and the cuttings. Conifer tree stands are shown to transform into the uneven aged stands. It  may is stated that the probability of the pine forest replacement by the dark coniferous forests is insignificant because of small portion of the dark coniferous species in the tree stand composition as well as the constant amount of precipitation on the territory studied.

 Keywords: changes tree species, forest successions, influence of reserval regimes, imeven stands


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