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УДК 630*443.3

About influence of tree growth conditions on resistance of pine forests
to root pathogens in Minusinsk depression
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I.N. Pavlov, P.V. Gubarev, O.A. Barabanova, A.A. Ageev, U.A. Orlov, A.I. Lobanov

 Siberian State Technological University,
82 Mira Ave, Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russia; e-mail:

Volume XXVI, Number 1, 2009



The results of climate change study, anthropogenic influence, edaphic conditions, bioproductivity, study of intracenosis competition in resistance of pine forests to root rot caused by Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref s. str. and Armillaria mellea s.l. are given in this work.


Key words: Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref s. str. и Armillaria mellea s.l., Minusinsk depression





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