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Conifers of the boreal area

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УДК 630.4:630.187(470.1/2)

Condition of spruce forests of the boreal zones after a fire and xylotrophic
basidiomycetes   Download PDF (179 KB)

Y.R. Khimich, L.G. Isaeva

14a Akademgorodok, Apatity, Murmansk region, 184209, Russia; e-mail:

Volume XXVI, Number 1, 2009


 In spruce forests of the Murmansk region have been carried out researches with different prescription of a fire: 6, 15, 30-50 and 80-100 years. The structure of a forest stand at different stages post-fire succession has been investigated, the diversity xylotrophic basidiomycetes has been determined.  In the forest after fire (6 year) often meeting species are noted: Antrodia xantha, Amylocystis lapponica, Trichaptum fusco-violaceum, Gloeophyllum sepiarium, Piptoporus betulinus. 15-years after fire were frequent: Trichaptum fusco-violaceum, Gloeophyllum sepiarium, Antrodia xantha. In the territory 30-50 years after fire, the low specific variety accompanied by individual finds has been registered often fixed specie was Veluticeps abietina. For territory of 80-100 years after fire species are most often registered: Fomitopsis pinicola, Gloeophyllum sepiarium, Trichaptum abietinum, Fomes fomentarius. The territory of spruce forest (15 years after fire) differs from other researched stages a high diversity of polypores fungi.


Key words: spruce forests, fires, post-fire succession, polypores fungi




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