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УДК 630*11+ 630*17:582.475.4+556.56

Construction experience of bog soil-site index scale
of Scots pine for forest growth in Western Siberia Download PDF (139 KB)

T.T. Yefremova, A.F. Avrova, S.P. Yefremov

V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS,
50 Akademgorodok, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russia
; е-mail:

 Volume XXV, Number 3-4, 2008   



Assessing the capacity of bog sites to support forest growth was based on confident indicators, such as peat soil chemical properties, forest inventory data, foliage analysis results, and shoot parameters, determined when identifying Scots pine bog site types. These characteristics describe two major site fertility criteria: nutrient content of soil and forest stand productivity. Moderately drained eutrophic bog site conditions were taken as a standard (100 points). Reclamation of oligotrophic bog sites estimated at up to 10 points appeared to be economically ineffective, whereas fertilizer application, apart from land improvement by hydraulic engineering methods, was found to be needed in case of oligomesotropic, mesotrophic, and mesoeutrophic bog sites (18-21 points). Moisture regime regulation was determined to be a sufficient land improvement measure for 65-point Scots pine eutrophic bog sites.

Needle morphometric parameters of Scots pine stands growing on undrained bog sites exhibited significant variability among bog types: needle length was 33±0.4 mm and weighted 1.9±0.03 g for oligotrophic sites, with the similar characteristics being 60±0.6 mm and 3.60±0.2 g for eutrophic bogs and 40±0.5 mm and 2.4±0.06 g for oligomesotrophic, mesotrophic, and mesoeutrophic sites.

A paired regression analysis revealed a positive linear relationship of wood biomass increment and needle length:

y = – 1,62 + 0,076x;    R2 = 0,96,    p = 0,000,

where y is stand life-span annual wood biomass increment, cubic m/ha; x is one-year-old needle length, mm; R2 is determination index; and p is significance level.

The study results obtained on morphometric characteristics of Scots pine needles provide foresters with simple and user-friendly criteria for estimating suitability of bog sites for forest growth and the above linear function allows to predict effectiveness of Scots pine bog site reclamation regarding post-treatment forest productivity.


Key words: Scots pine stands growing on bog, bog site types, needle morphometric parameters




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