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УДК 626.74:626.142.2

Work of transfer at absence of sliding between FCC and pulleys Download PDF (152 KB)

G.L. Kozinov1, G.I. Starostin2

 1 Siberian State Technological University, 82 Mira Ave,
Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russia; e-mail:

2 Siberian Federal University, 79 Svobodny Prospect,
Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia

 Volume XXV, Number 3-4, 2008   


In system a string - pulleys, in our case flexible catting circuit (FCC) - pulleys, operate three forces: force of a tension of a string; the current effort working on a tangent in a point of contact of a string with a pulley; the current effort working on a normal. For their definition it is known two equations of balance. But, as unknown persons three, the third equation - the equation of joint deformation of a string and pulleys is necessary. Work is devoted to a conclusion of this equation.


Key words: a string, pulleys, flexible catting circuit, forces, the equations



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