Theoretical and Applied Research Journal
Conifers of the boreal area

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УДК 630.114.68:630.43


A.V. Bogorodskaya, G.A. Ivanova

 V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS,
50 Akademgorodok, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russia; е-mail:

  Volume XXIV, Number 4-5, 2007     



The influence of fires of different intensities on microbial complexes of Scots pine soils of Central Siberian was examined. It was found, that fires of moderate and particularly high intensity had negative influence on structure and functioning of sandy podzol microbial complexes the first postfire year in central and southern taiga pine stands. The degree of changes in the postfire status of the soil microbocenoses was revealed to be related to the joint action of pyrogenesis and the hydrothermal conditions at the moment of the fire rather than to the fire intensity. The favorable combination of the elevated soil moisture and soil heating stimulates the mictobiological processes of organic matter mineralization, thus, improving the forest-growing conditions for the pine forests. The rate of postfire recovery of microbial complex structure and activity was established to be determined by fire intensity and severity, as well as by changes of soil hydrodynamic and trophic parameters.


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