Theoretical and Applied Research Journal
Conifers of the boreal area

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УДК 634.0.416.1. 582.475.4



S.N. Goroshkevich 


Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB of RAS

634055, Tomsk, 10/3, Academichesky ave

 Volume XXIV, Number 1, 2006   



The analysis of own results and the literatures have allowed to present regulative laws of shoot formation of Siberian stone pine. The most part of year cycle is controlled by genome: completely – sequence of stages, almost completely – structure of stages, appreciably – relative duration of stages and number of each type primordia.  Beginning and termination of annual cycle entirely depends on climate and partly on structure of cycle – structure of stages, its relative duration and number of each type primordia. It is possible that sex expression is determined by photoperiod. We expected that genetic control of morphogenenesis regulation of annual shoot have an effect on size of primordias that periodically came off from apical meristem. The primordias size gradually increase within one shoot formation cycle. Since the primordial leaf within annual shoot almost does not differ genetic control is detected by initial size of exile meristems, which determines its further development.


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